January 30, 2014

On the Advantages of Photographing in your Backyard

I am thrilled to be part of a group photo show!  The theme of this second annual juried art exhibition organized by the Greenfield Cultural Council is photographs of the town of Greenfield. Opening reception:  2/6/14, 5-7 p.m., Greenfield Community College Downtown Center, 270 Main Street.  These images of mine will be on display:

Sunrise from the Ridge - 2007
I moved to Greenfield in 2006.

Church and State - 2008

Photographing where you live means you can come back when the light is right.

Bricks and Windows - 2009

You can document change.  (This building at 30 Olive Street is now a net-zero apartment/office complex.)

Intimations - 2013

And gain hope for the future.

Bricks and Windows and Intimations are in-camera multiple exposures from my Reality-Based Abstraction series.  Click to see how I create images like these.

The show will remain at the Greenfield Community College Downtown Center, 270 Main Street, Greenfield, MA, through March and the building is open M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.  It is also open at night when classes are being held.

P.S.  I also teach the relaxing and easy to learn Zentangle® method of drawing at Base Camp Photo, located in... Greenfield.